#logistics process automation
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fleetrobo12 · 11 months ago
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artisticdivasworld · 5 months ago
Streamlining Trucking Finances with Digital Invoice Management
Let’s talk invoices. I know, it might not be the most exciting topic when you’re out on the road, but stick with me for a minute—it’s actually smart for your business. Tired of handling stacks of paper invoices? It’s like trying to navigate rush hour traffic with a broken GPS. Papers get lost, numbers get messed up, and chasing down payments can feel like an endless loop. But here’s some good…
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essglobe · 6 months ago
"Key Benefits of Implementing RPA in Banking for Enhanced Efficiency and Customer Satisfaction"
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The advantages of utilizing Robotic Process Automation (RPA) in the banking sector. Key benefits include:
Development of Customer Level Agreements – Strengthening agreements and customer interactions. Acceleration of Performance – Enhancing the speed of banking operations. Enhancement of Customer Trust – Building better trust with customers through efficient processes. Increment in Income and Cash Flow – Boosting revenue and managing cash flow more effectively. Reduction in Process Timing – Decreasing the time taken for routine processes. Client Turnover Reduced – Lowering the rate of customer attrition. Improvement of Customer Experience – Offering a better experience for clients. Reduction in Business Response Timing – Shortening response times for business-related tasks. High Compliance – Ensuring strong adherence to regulatory requirements.
These factors emphasize how RPA can optimize banking efficiency, elevate customer satisfaction, and improve overall business performance.
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globalautomationltd · 6 months ago
Top Benefits of Investing in High-Quality Supermarket and Kitchen Equipment | Global Automation Ltd
Discover the advantages of investing in premium supermarket and kitchen equipment from Global Automation Ltd. Enhance operational efficiency, ensure durability, and improve customer satisfaction with our top-tier products designed for long-term success in the food industry.
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rubylogan15 · 8 months ago
Revolutionize your manufacturing process with generative AI: predictive maintenance, enhanced design, improved quality control, and streamlined supply chains. Embrace the future!
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jsooly · 2 months ago
taken in by the sullys (5) / sully family x human!daughter/sister!reader
synopsis, your birth mother didn’t care to be cautious while pregnant, but at least something good came out of it. ++ spider, and then lo’ak throwing hands for you
+ note! writing these chapters during my commute makes the bus rides sm more relaxing, i’m happy you guys are enjoying the series just as much <33
(1) / (2) / (3) / (4*) / (5 - ur here! ☆)
+ chapters with an * beside it means that it’s following atwow plot line as opposed to disconnected scenarios
2155 (you were four years old)
the first time you ran out into pandoran air without a gas mask on, jake thought you were going to die
pandoran air was filled with compounds that the human lungs couldn't process efficiently—a danger that threatened jake's life once before
after the war ended and the sky people were banished from pandora, there was a lot of things to take care of logistically
inducting jake as olo'eyktan was one of them, along with an agreement with the remaining humans living on the planet
plus in the aftermath of the war, many other forest clans lost their homes or leaders. jake was determined to accommodate all of them as best he could
his preoccupation left you with little supervision and a lot of free time
jake was visiting norm's lab to check up on the status of their relationship with the clans
he carried you along with him for once, hoping it'd be a fun take your daughter to work day
this is how he held you when you were little btw
as soon as he set you loose, you bolted out the lab
you jumped up and slapped a button, dashing outside when the door opened just wide enough to allow you through.
it slowly creaked as alarms began to blare loudly, an automated voice warning them of the sinking pressure overtaking the room's atmosphere.
"holy shit—" jake shot up, wincing as he slammed his head into the ceiling. "norm?! why didn't you grab her?" he rushed through the corridor, and being incompatible with the space started knocking things over left and right.
"i'm sorry, she has so much experience slipping past me!" norm protested, equally panicked as he held his breath. he scrambled out his seat towards the exit door, dodging jake's thrashing tail.
"no, no, no." jake's body rammed into the door just as it slammed shut. he peered out the frosted window and vaguely caught your shape. his fist collided with the access button. "why isn't this door opening?!"
jake rapidly slammed the button before norm stopped him from breaking the circuits completely.
"the cabin is returning to normal atmospheric conditions," norm gasped for air, finally. "it won't open for another—"
jake backed up, crouching into a lunging position. he bounced on the balls of his feet. "i'm kicking the door."
"what?! jake—"
"i'm breaking the damn door, norm. put a mask on. i'm not waiting." jake snapped, grabbing two masks off the wall and tossing one to the scientist. he surged forward and thrust his leg out, his foot flattening against the door and knocking it clean off its hinges.
norm dove for cover, securing a mask over his face just as all sorts of alarms clamored for attention.
jake ducked through the opening, immediately running to you. he dropped to his knees, taking no notice to the blisters and cuts that broke skin as he slid across the dirt towards you. he snatched you up in his arms, turning you to face him and trying to put the gas mask over your head.
you kept swerving him and blocking him with your hands.
"y/n—baby, please stay still." he tried to contain his worry as he grabbed your wrists in his hand and dropped them away from your face.
"stay still, you need..." he slowed his attempts as he realized... you were breathing just fine. "to breathe..?"
you glared at him in annoyance, confused as to why he was trying to smush glass on your face.
"you don't need the mask?" he asked, unsure himself. he paused for a moment, studying you closely. his hand still firmly gripping the gas mask in case he was mistaken. but you weren't coughing or gasping.
he lifted you up, hands nestled underneath your armpits. he put his ear to your back, listening to the sound of your breathing. no whistles. no wheezing. no rattling. just perfectly normal inhale... and exhale.
"huh." jake's eyebrows furrowed, turning you around and holding you against his chest. he looked down at norm, who had just caught up, pointing a finger at you.
"wanna explain what's going on here?"
the nature of your development and birth allowed for certain mutations surface
your birth mother got pregnant with you on pandora, going out in the atmosphere, consuming the fruits, and maybe getting stung once or twice by strange flowers
with how reckless she was while carrying you, it's no surprise your genome was a bit messed up
after norm thoroughly tested you for other variations, he came up with a comprehensive list
jake was never one for reading—he didn't even read the reports and logs that would've helped him be prepared when first going out with grace and norm
but he consumed every bit of information norm offered him, even asking him to print a copy of the document for future reference
"the subject exhibits accelerated peripheral growth wherein measurements taken supersede the average on earth... what the..." jake rattled off, before tossing the document back to norm with a roll of his eyes. "yeah, you're gonna have to do one in english and then get back to me."
"that just means she's growing faster compared to a normal human child." norm deadpanned. "she had a four year old's height when she just turned two. you were there, didn't you notice?"
jake shrugged, rotating you in his arms. "dunno. still looks pretty small to me." he cooed, nuzzling his nose to yours.
"you're almost 10ft. tall. everything looks small to you." norm turned back to his computer, exasperated. “whatever her mother did messed her up pretty badly.”
jake frowned. your birth mother died two years before he arrived on pandora, but he was sure he wouldn’t have liked her. the stories he’s heard was more than enough to form an opinion. he only tolerated her memory because she gave life to one of his most precious treasures.
“i wouldn’t say messed up. more like…” he pondered, watching the fluorescent ceiling light sparkle in your eyes. “upgraded.”
long story short, your lungs had adapted to draw more oxygen from pandora's atmosphere; you were growing faster; your athletic capacity was just below superhuman; and your senses were abnormally receptive.
whatever your birth mother exposed herself to while you were in there made you a little less human.
jake and neytiri had their suspicions. there was something up with you—how else could you have kept up with neytiri's rigorous training at a young age, human and all, otherwise?
it was almost fitting. you were one of the only two human pandoran natives. children actually born on pandora.
as you grew, you continued to hone your abilities to compete with the na'vi children, but at some point you hit a ceiling.
a little less human was still human at the end of the day.
the other only human born on pandora was miles 'spider' socorro
given how similar your situations were, you were surprised at the drastic difference between your lives
you were two years older than him—he was born just before the first pandoran war
he had adoptive parents, the mccoskers, just like you had the sullys
the mccoskers were residents of hell's gate as per jake's surrender list until the RDA returned under ardmore's command
they left with their own family, spider left behind
spider was then his own boss, doing as he pleased and going where he pleased
above all, he was inseparable from the sully kids—an unspoken, invisible brother
sometimes, you felt awkward when interacting with him because you got lucky with the sullys while he was considered a 'stray'
unlike lo'ak or kiri, you weren't particularly close to him as a friend, but you looked out for him just as you did for the others
"hey," you caught up to him as he was leaving.
spider spending the entire day with the kids was routine. from dawn to dusk, sometimes into the night, he was by their side. you and the kids loved him, and he loved you guys too.
"oh. hey." he turned, awkwardly standing in place. "what's up?"
"wanted to catch you before you left." you loosely gestured to the sky. "it's pretty dark out. i'll walk you home."
he blinked, surprised by the consideration. you felt pity pool in your stomach.
"oh. yeah, thanks." he nodded. you could see a thought cross his mind. he quickly backtracked. "but—but if i'm keeping you, i'm okay to—"
"spider," you smiled, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and beginning to walk alongside him. "you're not keeping me. we’re two of a kind so we gotta stick together, right?" you bumped into his side playfully.
he felt at ease, relaxing. "yeah." spider chuckled. he glanced at your face before dropping his eyes. "it's so crazy how you can just... breathe the air. i'm jealous." gesturing to his exo-pack, he continued. "gotta lug this thing around all day."
“the reason why is way less cool, promise.” you muttered, reflecting on your birth mother.
friendly chatter and a few minutes later, you arrived at the human base. you dropped spider inside to his bunk.
he collapsed against the mattress with a lengthy sigh.
you laughed at his antics. “it’s tough keeping up with them, huh?”
“oh, please, i could outrun ‘em any day.” he huffed, grinning lopsidedly.
you pat his shoulder. “make sure to eat something before bed.” walking out, you waved goodbye. “see you tomorrow.”
he felt warm—seen. he waved back. “bye.”
despite the two year age gap, spider saw you as a maternal figure
i mean, you were the only one that willingly made yourself available to him consistently
he would NEVER admit this, though, to himself or anyone else
kiri was a very close confidant, neteyam and lo’ak were brothers, and tuk was the baby
you were the only young adult that made him a priority for care and support
he would be eternally grateful for that, because no matter what he would experience, he knew you were in his corner just like any of the other kids
it made him feel part of something when he had nothing
omaticayan dissent
it was no secret that there were some that disagreed with their clan leaders’ choice to adopt you into their family
and while their hatred and caution was valid—they’ve had many sky people deceive them before—it was poor to direct that anger onto a child
you were essentially a trash bin for their bitterness, a figure to focus their resentment when there were no other ‘bad humans’ around
and despite proving your usefulness time and time again, it was becoming increasingly clear that they were never going to accept you as their own
for jake and neytiri, it was a delicate balance of hearing their people and curbing their behaviour
for your siblings, though? it was gloves off. immediately
“what’d you just say?” lo’ak hissed, grabbing the shoulder of the omaticayan boy and spinning him around.
if there’s one thing about lo’ak, it’s that he rocks for his family.
“lo’ak.” neteyam warned, spawning behind the youngest sully son as if he was summoned the minute lo’ak threatened trouble. “mawey, brother.
lo’ak shoved neteyam’s arm off his shoulders, pointing an accusatory finger at the boy. “he just said—“
“how can you call tawtute a sister?” the boy contorted his face in disgust. “she does not belong here. all the other children know it.”
“olo’eyktan decides who belongs and who doesn’t. that is none of your business.” neteyam said coolly. “she does her part and keeps to herself.”
the boy made a yeuch sound, shuddering. ignoring neteyam’s subtle offer for truce, he continued. “they made a demon who can breathe among us. what’s next, one who can connect with our great mother? you ask yourself what else must they have in store.”
neteyam wanted to set the guy straight, but ever the oldest son, he kept his composure. “our mother and father raised her more na’vi than human. if she had different loyalties, she would have left long ago.”
“let it rest.” neteyam cut him off firmly, his expression blank.
the boy could not continue to argue against the chief’s son when he put down a hard boundary. he snarled, baring his teeth at both sons.
“lo’ak, ‘yam—“ you approached them, oblivious to the tension. “mom’s calling for dinner.”
lo’ak seethed silently but after catching neteyam’s firm look, he swallowed his pride.
they walked past the boy, giving him a lasting glare while following behind you.
“freak.” the boy mumbled under his breath when you were out of earshot.
without hesitation, lo’ak shifted his weight and launched his fist across the boy’s jaw.
he got an earful, naturally
the scuffle continued until neteyam was able to break it up
after apologies were forced, lo’ak was subject to your father’s favourite punishment—grounding
you shooed kiri and her unhelpful teasing away, taking over lo’ak’s treatment
you dabbed the cloth to his forehead. “what’d he do?”
lo’ak winced, leaning away from the burning sting of the ointment. remaining silent, he glared at the floor.
“hm?” you egged him on. “you know you can tell me.”
“i…” he began with a sigh before changing his mind. “never mind. doesn’t matter.”
jake sully was a girl dad through and through. in his eyes his girls could do no wrong. he saw a youthful recklessness in his sons, something they undoubtedly got from him, and feared they would go down a path he couldn’t save them from. he was very hard on them, sometimes unfairly so.
you forcefully turned his head to look at you. “course it matters, dummy. you’re telling me the way the boy described it was how it went down?”
his chest rose and fell rapidly as he got worked up again. “he was talking shit about you.” he glanced at you, wondering if he’d get told off for cursing. when you didn’t speak, he continued angrily. “again. i was gonna let it go, i swear! but he ran his mouth right in front of you! how did you not hear?”
“you did this on my behalf?”
“yes! all of them have said something at some point. they don’t have any shame. it’s not fair.” he grumbled, his posture sinking.
you dropped in the spot next to him. “you know i’m proud of you, lo’ak, and i’m grateful you thought to defend me. but you don’t need to get into fights.” you pleaded, trying to catch his annoyed gaze. “cuz then both of us lose.”
he groaned and crossed his arms. “i just— if i feel like this… i just think you would feel ten times worse.”
like this. like an outcast. it was the first time you really considered that it was the truth. growing up, you simply accepted it as a fact of your life.
you softened when you observed his tormented expression. you leaned against him to let him know you understood—that the two of you were more alike than it would seem. you remained there in each other’s company until you were called for dinner.
. . .
thanks for reading <3
taglist (lmk if you want to be added/removed): @dae-dreamer @delirious-dolce @strawbaerriesvt
© jsooly ‘25
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fearfulfertility · 4 months ago
DRC, Planning & Evaluation Office, Logistics & Infrastructure Division
To: Director [REDACTED]
From: Administrator [REDACTED], Logistics & Infrastructure Division
Subject: Facility Expansion: New Paternity Compound Construction
Executive Summary
This report outlines the ongoing expansion of DRC-operated paternity compounds across several strategic locations nationwide. In response to increasing insemination rates and projected surrogacy demands, we have begun constructing new high-capacity compounds to accommodate more surrogates. These expansions will enable the DRC to streamline the conscription process, optimize surrogacy cycles, and ensure our ability to meet the population sustainability targets outlined for the next fiscal period.
The new compounds focus on enhanced security, specialized medical equipment, and increased surrogacy capacity.
I. Facility Expansion Overview
Strategic Locations and Site Selection
To ensure regional coverage and minimize travel time to detain and inseminated surrogates, the DRC has approved the construction of [REDACTED] new paternity compounds in FEMA Zones 4, 6, 7, and 8. These facilities will be situated in [REDACTED] areas, selected for their proximity to population centers, existing transport infrastructure, and relative isolation, ensuring operational security.
Zone 4: Atlanta, GA
Zone 6: Houston, TX
Zone 7: Omaha, NE
Zone 8: Denver, CO
Each compound is designed to accommodate [REDACTED] surrogates at any given time, with the ability to scale up to [REDACTED] in emergencies. Construction is scheduled for completion within the next [REDACTED] months, with the first inspections set to begin by [REDACTED] this year.
Paternity Compound Design Features:
High-Capacity Paternity Wards: Each compound contains specialized wards designed to manage surrogates carrying up to sedecatuplets (16), with private rooms for those at risk of premature labor.
Enhanced Monitoring Systems: Advanced surveillance and biometric monitoring ensure constant oversight and swift response to emergencies.
Security Enhancements: Reinforced containment protocols, secure access points, and patrol routes have been established to prevent unauthorized access and ensure surrogate compliance.
II. Specialized Equipment and Medical Support
Given the unique demands and expectations placed on surrogates, each paternity compound will be equipped with advanced medical infrastructure to ensure the safety and effective management of extreme weight gain, reduced mobility, and increased risks of organ stress.
Key Equipment and Infrastructure:
Reinforced Support Beds: Traditional hospital beds have proven insufficient for surrogates carrying high multiples, whose pregnancies can lead to total weight gains exceeding 200 lbs. Each ward will feature reinforced, adjustable support beds capable of accommodating extreme weights. These beds will be equipped with pressure-relief systems to minimize discomfort and reduce the risk of bedsores for near-immobile surrogates.
“I hate that I’m here! But… all I have is this bed! I can’t move, I can’t breathe half the time, but at least I have a fucking memory foam mattress!” - Surrogate S118-176-J, 27 days pregnant with decatuplets (10)
Automated Feeding & Hydration Systems: Automated systems will ensure continuous nutrition and hydration to support surrogates with reduced mobility. Given the caloric intake requirements for such pregnancies, these systems will monitor and adjust fluid and nutrient delivery, reducing the need for frequent staff intervention.
“I’m basically just a machine now, aren’t I? They hook me up, pump me full of these stupid protein shakes, and keep me breathing so I can keep carrying these bowling ball-sized kids. It’s disgusting!” - Surrogate S117-138-N, 18 days pregnant with quattuordecatuplets (14)
Custom Mobility Aids: Custom-designed lift systems and mobility aids will be integrated into each ward to facilitate the movement of surrogates. These devices will allow for safe repositioning, transfers to specialized birthing chairs, and support during transport.
“I don’t know how they expect us to move with this much weight on us. Even standing feels like my legs are going to snap. Those lifts? They’re humiliating... but without them, I wouldn’t be able to get out of bed at all.” - Surrogate S120-494-P, 30 days into a sedecatuplets (16) pregnancy
Advanced Fetal Monitoring: Each compound will have real-time ultrasound and biometric monitoring stations to track fetal development. Given the accelerated gestational period, these systems will continuously update fetal positioning, size, and viability, enabling rapid response to complications.
"It’s terrifying. Knowing how big they are, how many there are… they’re not coming out normal. When I finally pop them all out, they’ll get better care than I ever did!" - Surrogate S119-667-N, 22 days pregnant with hendecatuplets (14)
Dedicated Obstetrics & Neonatal Care Units: Immediate neonatal care is essential, and each compound will include state-of-the-art neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) to support newborns. Advanced incubators and respiratory support systems will ensure the survival of even the most premature babies.
"They always tell me how important it is to ensure the babies survive, even if I don’t. I get it, I do… but knowing there’s a whole team of people ready to take over the second I’m gone? It’s like they’ve already decided how this ends." - Surrogate S117-856-M, 8 days pregnant with tridecatuplets (13)
Pain Management and Sedation Systems: Surrogates will experience extreme discomfort and physical strain. Each paternity ward will be equipped with integrated IV pain management systems, allowing for both localized and systemic pain relief. Sedation protocols can be initiated remotely if a surrogate's distress becomes vocal, ensuring they can not incite civil disorder.
“I’m so big I can’t even see my dick, which is now buried under all these babies and fat. I’d be lying if I said the meds didn't help to blitz me out of my mind... a caring them I'm a gigantic incubator now.” - Surrogate S119-461-L, 11 days pregnant with dodecatuplets (12)
Future Equipment Developments: Research teams are exploring next-generation mobility aids, including exoskeleton support harnesses, to provide mobility assistance for late-term surrogates. These innovations aim to improve surrogate survival to deliver full-term pregnancies. Once available, prototypes will be tested in select compounds.
III. Expansion Strategy: Future Projections and Scaling
Projected Surrogacy Demand: With the increase in insemination rates, each compound is expected to handle up to [REDACTED] inseminations per month once fully operational. This translates to a need for approximately [REDACTED] newborns annually to meet population sustainability targets. Our current projections indicate that these numbers are achievable.
IV. Conclusion and Recommendations
The successful construction and operation of these new paternity compounds are critical to effectively maintaining the DRC’s ability to enforce surrogacy mandates. Our specialized equipment and infrastructure improvements will ensure we meet demands while preserving control over our surrogate.
Report submitted by: Administrator [REDACTED], Logistics & Infrastructure Division
To: Administrator [REDACTED], Logistics & Infrastructure Division
From: Director [REDACTED], DRC
Subject: RE: Facility Expansion: New Paternity Compound Construction
Dear Mr. [REDACTED],
I’ve reviewed the latest progress report on the new Paternity Compounds, and I must commend your team on the impressive strides made thus far, even with the ambitious timeline we’ve set.
I have been particularly interested in the improvements to our birthing suites. As you are well aware, managing multiple pregnancies presents unique challenges.
We are entering a critical phase. I want to emphasize that these upcoming births will set a precedent for all future operations. The successful use of these new facilities will allow us to demonstrate that our methods ensure the next generation's survival and that we can handle the demands without sacrificing efficiency or outcomes.
I look forward to seeing the first results when the initial surrogates reach full term and the birthing suites are fully operational.
Keep up the excellent work, and do not hesitate to reach out if additional resources or support are needed to ensure success.
Regards, Director [REDACTED]
Click Here to return to DRC Report Archives
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blueper-saiyan · 11 months ago
I’m overanalyzing something that’s canonically not meant to be thought about, for fun, so here’s a speculative Saiyan biology question: how often do they actually need to eat? I’ve sort of joked about the possibility that it’s like large predators irl where they gorge themselves occasionally and then wait until the next big kill. This would balance out the amount they’re eating to closer to a normal human, just a surprising amount in one sitting, and dodge the thing I’m about to go off the deep end about. But I think they’re probably supposed to need that amount frequently? Which is like, rodent levels of frequency and portions, but unlike a small mammal, a huge amount of actual food consumed. It’s fine if there’s only a handful of Saiyans on a whole planet but how did that work when there was a lot of them? That’s a massive amount of food, where is it coming from? Are they mostly feeding their army by taking food from conquered planets? They’d still need to be producing enough for their homeworld. Is it being farmed automatically and that’s how they can have the majority of their whole species be soldiers? But like, Gine has a job processing meat, so it’s clearly not entirely automated. Stuck thinking about Saiyan agricultural production and supply logistics help.
Unfortunately, I can also say that almost immediately after finding out the amount that Saiyans eat, the back of my mind did jump to “how fast do they starve?” Like, is that a much bigger threat for them than a human or do they have about the same amount of reserves, even if they’re eating more? If it is way faster, how does that affect how they view food/hunger? As a fun irl example, hummingbirds have such an insane metabolism that they would potentially starve to death if they slept at night. So they don’t sleep like normal, they enter a state that’s more like hibernation to slow their metabolism down enough to survive. Many hummingbird species are fiercely territorial because they need access to their food source or they starve. I imagine a theoretical hummingbird society would be thinking about food differently. And because this is my indulgent post where I get to talk about animals, I’m also going to bring up vampire bats, which could also potentially starve if they can’t feed within two days or so (I did not go deep into scientific literature to find original numbers and sources for this estimate I’m sorry true bat fans. Actually same goes for the hummingbird estimate but I know more about birds.). Unlike the more territorial hummingbirds though, vampire bats roost together during the day in colonies, with the same other bats repeatedly. And their food source can’t be guarded like a flower patch can, so there’s less purpose to territoriality. So they can form long term friendships with each other by interacting in ways like grooming each other. Within these friendships, when one bat gets a meal during their few-hour-a-night feeding window, but the other one doesn’t, the one who got enough food will often share with their friend to keep them from going hungry. Then their friend returns the favor when their roles are reversed, keeping them both alive, along with the rest of their friend network.
So those are some very different responses to needing food nearly constantly. If I were deeper in ecology mode I could probably try and come up with explanations based on the types of food source and territory and other factors for why, but I’m here to apply this to Saiyans lol. Honestly, a cooperative strategy would make more sense given that they’re pretty human-like, but that’s certainly not the sense we get given of their society. Were they always super individualistic or is that a recent development? Are they even actually individualistic or is that fully a societal role thing (elites are different from lower class warriors)? Or is the idea that they don’t cooperate partly a lie made up after their deaths anyway? Speculative biology for intelligent species get the extra layer of culture just to make things more messy and fun. We also know pretty much nothing about their original home planet and the actual context that shaped them, so I don’t get to apply other factors, like how easy it is to defend food sources or how important it is to stick together. We probably won’t ever get to know anything more about their original homeworld/Sadala, which is disappointing given that we got hints about it, but it does leave more room for speculation.
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milk5 · 9 months ago
On the Skidelsky/Fuller post I reblogged, I absolutely welcome automation given the following criteria:
1. The output is identical or, holistically, more positive than human labor output
2. This automation occurs within an economic system in which GDP growth (or similarly fraught metrics) is not the primary objective
3. The automation aids the sustainability of nature and humanity
The USA's agriculture industry is a wonderful example of modern automation failing all three of these criteria. Throughout the entire industrial revolution, agriculture has trended away from being a society-wide confederation of family/community-scale, labor-intensive smallholdings to our current reality of a small number of monolithic industrial farms that are maintained by astoundingly few people who operate increasingly complex and expensive equipment.
Our massive-scale industrial farms are fantastic at what they were designed for; they grow as much of a staple crop as possible without regard to human or environmental health, doing so using minimal labor. Fundamentally, it is an extractive industry. Fossil fuels are extracted to power the machinery, processing, and logistics systems. Nutrients are extracted from the soil to the point that crop growth can only be sustained with heavy amounts of industrial fertilizer input. Entire ecosystems are sacrificed when forests are cleared to be exploited and repeatedly battered with pesticides. This is all primarily to produce soybeans, feed corn, and cotton to then process into products like factory farm livestock feed-slurry, corn syrup, junk food, and sweatshop garments. Secondarily, it is to produce flavorless, nutrition-void produce that can be sold year-round. Consistency is the goal, although one may find that nature itself is curiously inconsistent.
This case study of automation's failings can be traced back to a few major factors:
1. Old-style agriculture work is disagreeable to the USA's perverted fascination for infinite GDP growth; each farm laborer that can be replaced by a machine is a potential worker that could move into a city (or suburb) and put in the same amount of hours at a higher-dollar job. It's just opportunity cost, and this is more-or-less what Skidelsky and Fuller find offensive about our current labor zeitgeist; instead of the now-jobless laborers being free to pursue their interests, they are instead shoehorned into some shitty desk job that produces a relatively greater amount of money to be leeched by executives and shareholders -- this is "more productive" to our economy on the basis of GDP growth and thus must be prioritized over agricultural labor.
2. Industrial approaches to large-scale agriculture are inherently reductive to an extreme extent. Nature is far more complex than Liebig or any other enlightenment thinker ever imagined. Industrialization is great at making cars or computer chips or Gucci jackets or whatever, as these are things that can be standardized with relative ease. Nature cannot be tamed and standardized in a similar way; ecosystems, particularly soil ecosystems, can vary massively even in small areas of the same climate type. Our agriculture systems cope with this simply by ignoring such factors and reducing crop growth to a formula. In X region, plant Y variety of Z crop on A date and apply a regimen of B-type fertilizer and C-type pesticide on D date etc etc. This is the most egregious reduction of something in all of history.
Liebig's reduction of agriculture to the NPK model, just three elements, is good for achieving the singular goal of making your plant of choice come out of the ground, but it ignores all the nuance of soil, climate, and evolution. The other factors don't matter. Modern lab-designed fertilizers often feature a plethora of additional micronutrients, but the goal is still to produce a healthy crop, not healthy soil. Soil itself is an organism, it is something that must be nurtured to be healthy; industrial pesticide/fertilizer regimens are to the soil as feed slurry/antibiotic regimens are to factory farm animals.
Natural processes are, itself, the greatest form of automation for agriculture. Plants and animals that are native to a region have evolved to grow there regardless of human intervention. It is our disruption of these processes that forces agriculture to be labor/resource-intensive. This isn't to say that everyone must immediately abandon all non-native foods and adopt a primarily undomesticated Ötzi diet, but instead, it's worth considering that the complexity of modern technology is not even close to being at parity with the complexity of nature; nature has a several billion year head start. There is no way to flawlessly "tame" it with technological solutions, but a comfortable middle ground can certainly be found.
If sustainable, climate-friendly food production is the primary objective of agriculture, this is far more easily achieved by small, ecology-considerate farms than massive, largely automated industrial farms. A healthy soil ecosystem will aid in growth, flavor, nutrition, and, (quite importantly) carbon sequestration. Broadforking, shoveling, and wheelbarrow-pushing is absolutely more labor intensive than sitting back in a huge John Deere tractor with GPS-based autopiloting features, but the extra labor can turn a woefully extractive process into one that is instead highly regenerative.
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betterbemeta · 6 months ago
'Like they know how intolerable it is right now, that's why they promise their followers slaves to relieve the burden.' i promise this is a genuine question but what does that have to do with hello fresh
It has to do with the 'convenience economy' being built on the back of exploited labor, and meal subscription services are part of that economy.
It's sort of like... "what if instead of improving conditions people find intolerable, we make money or gain political power off of those conditions instead?"
On the scale of the home: slashing wages and understaffing positions and the scarcity of jobs that pay a living wage means that people have fewer resources and less time to support themselves. The right wing in my country drives this: destroying unions, opposing labor rights, and by other means. The right wing in my country also is very strongly affiliated with the idea of the 'traditional family' where a male parent is a breadwinner and a female parent is a homemaker. They sell this white middle class fantasy for a lot of reasons but one of them is to maintain a special division of labor between men and women... where women function mainly to automate the household that belongs to the man, and more privileged women can defer this to less privileged women. While this is not directly 'related' to Hello Fresh or similar services in specific, these services exist to profiteer off of the worsening of conditions that make right-wing hierarchical promises more 'appealing' to some. If independent life is too 'hard' and there are no safety nets remaining, then the options are to get a wife or be someone else's wife and that's what our right wing wants for its core base. While everyone else becomes a second tier servant automating the lives of the most wealthy households in some way in addition to having to live their own lives.
On the scale of supply and distribution: food subscription services do not actually have as big of supply chains as major grocery stores, and supply chains are actually where most of the money in food production goes: for example, in 2020 the median price paid to broiler chicken growers was around 6.79 cents per live-weight pound. But nobody pays that in the store for chicken because the labor, materials, and fuel to slaughter it, package it, inspect it, transport it, is expensive even before we get into profit at every step. So when services like hello fresh say they can charge less than grocery stores but also do not own any of the steps in between you and the food, and aren't eliminating that many steps other than the grocery store itself... if you aren't eating the cost of that once the one-time discounted rate expires, the economy of low-wage workers, or even unpaid workers, likely is at a point in the process. Eventually the only way to get cheaper labor is to use prisoners (read: slaves) which already happens everywhere in the USA's food industry. Our right wing is really REALLY opposed to prison reform because of this economic exploitation and worsens conditions such that people can only rely on cheaper and cheaper products... and meal subscription services exploit this same desperation. It's in the interest of both for desperation to get worse.
and I'm not gonna get into how 'logistics workers' or 'last leg delivery' has its own human rights discussions involved.
TL;DR-- there won't be a simple causal answer like "hello fresh uses slaves" because I don't know that. But the intolerable conditions that services like hello Fresh Style themselves as a 'relief to,' ARE linked to slavery in the domestic and industrial spheres. They are both 'relief options' for what would otherwise be completely unsustainable. This isn't new; fast food, fast fashion, etc. are also considered conveniences like this that ultimately promote the conditions where slavery thrives... but the situation is escalating as economic inequality gets worse over time and the demands of infinite growth get steeper every year.
Our right wing makes things so awful that it feels impossible to get through life without paying a massive convenience fee (being wealthy) or without a servant to do things for you (being wealthy, x2).
If something says its cheaper than the grocery store it has to be lying because you can't be cheaper than owning the factory and having slaves operate the factory. Either it isn't less expensive, or it's taking advantage of all of that exploitation too.
and if you can sell one way to be 'faster than the grocery store' so widely, way way beyond only exploiting disabled people or isolated people without personal transportation... somebody else can probably sell another way to be faster than the grocery store. which is to have a tradwife to take care of all of that for you instead of hello fresh.
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hypocrite-human · 1 year ago
Unleashing the Power: The Impact of AI Across Industries and Future Frontiers
Artificial Intelligence (AI), once confined to the realm of science fiction, has rapidly become a transformative force across diverse industries. Its influence is reshaping the landscape of how businesses operate, innovate, and interact with their stakeholders. As we navigate the current impact of AI and peer into the future, it's evident that the capabilities of this technology are poised to reach unprecedented heights.
1. Healthcare:
In the healthcare sector, AI is a game-changer, revolutionizing diagnostics, treatment plans, and patient care. Machine learning algorithms analyze vast datasets to identify patterns, aiding in early disease detection. AI-driven robotic surgery is enhancing precision, reducing recovery times, and minimizing risks. Personalized medicine, powered by AI, tailors treatments based on an individual's genetic makeup, optimizing therapeutic outcomes.
2. Finance:
AI is reshaping the financial industry by enhancing efficiency, risk management, and customer experiences. Algorithms analyze market trends, enabling quicker and more accurate investment decisions. Chatbots and virtual assistants powered by AI streamline customer interactions, providing real-time assistance. Fraud detection algorithms work tirelessly to identify suspicious activities, bolstering security measures in online transactions.
3. Manufacturing:
In manufacturing, AI is optimizing production processes through predictive maintenance and quality control. Smart factories leverage AI to monitor equipment health, reducing downtime by predicting potential failures. Robots and autonomous systems, guided by AI, enhance precision and efficiency in tasks ranging from assembly lines to logistics. This not only increases productivity but also contributes to safer working environments.
4. Education:
AI is reshaping the educational landscape by personalizing learning experiences. Adaptive learning platforms use AI algorithms to tailor educational content to individual student needs, fostering better comprehension and engagement. AI-driven tools also assist educators in grading, administrative tasks, and provide insights into student performance, allowing for more effective teaching strategies.
5. Retail:
In the retail sector, AI is transforming customer experiences through personalized recommendations and efficient supply chain management. Recommendation engines analyze customer preferences, providing targeted product suggestions. AI-powered chatbots handle customer queries, offering real-time assistance. Inventory management is optimized through predictive analytics, reducing waste and ensuring products are readily available.
6. Future Frontiers:
A. Autonomous Vehicles: The future of transportation lies in AI-driven autonomous vehicles. From self-driving cars to automated drones, AI algorithms navigate and respond to dynamic environments, ensuring safer and more efficient transportation. This technology holds the promise of reducing accidents, alleviating traffic congestion, and redefining mobility.
B. Quantum Computing: As AI algorithms become more complex, the need for advanced computing capabilities grows. Quantucm omputing, with its ability to process vast amounts of data at unprecedented speeds, holds the potential to revolutionize AI. This synergy could unlock new possibilities in solving complex problems, ranging from drug discovery to climate modeling.
C. AI in Creativity: AI is not limited to data-driven tasks; it's also making inroads into the realm of creativity. AI-generated art, music, and content are gaining recognition. Future developments may see AI collaborating with human creators, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in fields traditionally associated with human ingenuity.
In conclusion, the impact of AI across industries is profound and multifaceted. From enhancing efficiency and precision to revolutionizing how we approach complex challenges, AI is at the forefront of innovation. The future capabilities of AI hold the promise of even greater advancements, ushering in an era where the boundaries of what is achievable continue to expand. As businesses and industries continue to embrace and adapt to these transformative technologies, the synergy between human intelligence and artificial intelligence will undoubtedly shape a future defined by unprecedented possibilities.
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essglobe · 6 months ago
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Automating Success: Key Benefits of Robotic Process Automation
This infographic visually represents the key advantages of using Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to streamline business processes and enhance efficiency. The central theme revolves around how RPA can automate repetitive tasks and reduce manual work, leading to fewer errors, faster operations, and optimized workflows. Key benefits highlighted include:
Reducing Manual Work: RPA helps businesses cut down on tedious manual tasks by automating processes that don’t require human intervention.
Automating Repetitive Tasks: By using RPA, repetitive actions can be handled more efficiently, freeing up human resources for more complex tasks.
Minimizing Errors: Automation helps reduce the risk of human errors in processes that involve large amounts of data or intricate tasks.
Checking Conformance Potentials: RPA ensures that tasks are executed consistently and accurately according to pre-defined guidelines.
Automating Processes: RPA is shown as a solution that can automate end-to-end processes, enhancing productivity and speed.
Telling Your Milestones Timely: Time management becomes easier as RPA helps ensure tasks are completed within set time frames.
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globalautomationltd · 7 months ago
Global Automation Ltd - Leading Automation Company in Bangladesh
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Global Automation Ltd is your trusted partner for premium kitchen equipment, commercial kitchen appliances, and durable food industry solutions. As leading supermarket equipment suppliers in Bangladesh, we also offer advanced warehouse storage solutions. Explore our range of high-quality products to enhance your business efficiency.
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udonlawyers · 13 days ago
Thailand SMART Visa
The Thailand SMART Visa is a long-term visa designed to attract highly skilled professionals, investors, entrepreneurs, and executives to work and live in Thailand. Introduced by the Thai government, this visa aims to support the country’s technological, industrial, and economic development by facilitating foreign expertise and investment in targeted industries.
Unlike traditional work visas, the SMART Visa provides longer validity, work permit exemptions, and streamlined reporting requirements, making it an attractive option for foreign talent and businesses.
1. Key Benefits of the SMART Visa
Up to 4 years of residency without the need for yearly renewals.
Work permit exemption, allowing holders to work immediately without additional authorization.
90-day reporting extended to 1-year reporting at the Thai Immigration Bureau.
Dependent visa benefits for spouses and children, with permission to work.
Fast-track service at Thai airports and immigration offices.
2. SMART Visa Categories
There are five main categories under the SMART Visa program, each catering to different types of foreign professionals and investors.
2.1 SMART "T" (Talent) – Highly Skilled Professionals
For experts in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields.
Must be employed in targeted industries such as biotechnology, robotics, digital economy, aviation, and healthcare.
Requires a minimum monthly salary of 100,000 THB.
2.2 SMART "I" (Investor) – Foreign Investors
For individuals investing at least 20 million THB in tech-based businesses or government-approved startups.
Investment must be made in companies operating in targeted industries.
2.3 SMART "E" (Executive) – Senior Executives
For C-level executives in targeted industries.
Must hold a Bachelor’s degree or higher and have at least 10 years of work experience.
Requires a minimum monthly salary of 200,000 THB.
2.4 SMART "S" (Startup) – Entrepreneurs and Startup Founders
For those establishing a tech startup in Thailand.
Must hold at least 25% shares in the company or be a board member.
Requires participation in a government-approved incubator program.
2.5 SMART "O" (Other) – Dependents and Spouses
Spouses and children of SMART Visa holders receive a visa with the same duration.
Unlike other dependent visas, SMART "O" allows spouses to work in Thailand without a work permit.
3. Eligibility and Requirements
The SMART Visa is available only for industries identified as crucial for Thailand’s economic development. These include:
Next-Generation Automotive
Aviation and Logistics
Biotechnology and Agriculture
Medical and Healthcare
Automation and Robotics
Digital Economy
Alternative Energy
Applicants must:
Meet financial and employment criteria as per their visa category.
Have an employer or business in one of the targeted industries.
Pass background and qualifications verification by relevant Thai authorities.
4. Application Process
Qualification Endorsement – Submit an application to the Board of Investment (BOI) and relevant agencies for industry verification.
Approval from the SMART Visa Unit – The BOI forwards the application to the Immigration Bureau and Ministry of Labor.
Visa Issuance – Once approved, the applicant receives the SMART Visa from a Thai embassy, consulate, or immigration office.
Post-Arrival Reporting – Holders must report to Thai Immigration every 1 year instead of the standard 90-day report.
The application process typically takes 30–45 days.
5. Tax and Work Regulations for SMART Visa Holders
Tax Residency: SMART Visa holders residing in Thailand for over 180 days per year are considered tax residents and subject to Thai personal income tax laws.
Corporate Tax Exemptions: Businesses established under the SMART Visa program may qualify for Board of Investment (BOI) tax incentives.
6. Common Challenges and Solutions
ChallengeSolutionIndustry-Specific LimitationsEnsure your job or business fits a targeted industry.High Salary RequirementsProvide proof of employment contracts, income, and experience.Lengthy Approval ProcessWork with BOI and relevant agencies to streamline the application.
The Thailand SMART Visa is an excellent option for highly skilled professionals, investors, and entrepreneurs seeking long-term residency and work flexibility in Thailand. With a streamlined application process, work permit exemption, and extensive benefits, it is ideal for those in targeted industries looking to contribute to Thailand’s economic and technological growth.
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skysolution-jsc · 15 days ago
🚀 What is AI in Automation, Key ApplicationsKey Applications
AI automation integrates AI techniques like machine learning and NLP to process data, make decisions, and improve traditional automation by enabling adaptability: ✅ RPA (Robotic Process Automation): Automates repetitive tasks like data entry. ✅ Manufacturing: Predictive maintenance, supply chain optimization, and quality control. ✅ Retail: AI chatbots enhance customer service with 24/7 support. ✅ Transportation & Logistics: AI streamlines supply chains and warehouse automation. ✅ Healthcare: AI improves diagnostics, patient monitoring, and robotic-assisted surgeries.
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jonathanmatthew · 1 month ago
The Secret to Streamlining Operations with an On-Demand Delivery App
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Operational efficiency is crucial for maintaining a competitive advantage in the fast-paced business environment. On-demand delivery apps have emerged as an effective solution, simplifying logistics and providing real-time customer service. These apps allow businesses to deliver products or services quickly, meeting customer needs promptly, which ultimately helps streamline operations. But what exactly is involved in on-demand delivery app development, and how does it benefit businesses?
What is On-Demand Delivery App Development?  
On-demand delivery app development refers to the process of creating a platform that facilitates the instant ordering and delivery of products or services. These apps are designed to connect customers with service providers, ensuring quick, efficient, and transparent deliveries. The development includes features such as real-time tracking, secure payment gateways, and user-friendly interfaces for both customers and service providers.
On-demand apps serve multiple industries, including food delivery, e-commerce, groceries, and healthcare, providing tailored solutions that meet the unique requirements of each sector.
How On-Demand Delivery Apps Are Revolutionizing Business Operations  
The introduction of on-demand delivery apps has significantly transformed how businesses manage logistics and customer relationships. These apps streamline processes such as inventory management, order fulfillment, and delivery coordination. They reduce the reliance on physical storefronts and warehouses by offering direct-to-consumer delivery, which helps businesses save time and operational costs.
Additionally, these apps make it easier for businesses to scale operations. Whether you’re a small local business or a large enterprise, on-demand delivery apps allow you to expand your reach without the need for additional infrastructure.
Key Benefits of Using an On-Demand Delivery App for Your Business  
Reduced Operational Costs On-demand delivery apps can lower costs by automating key aspects of the delivery process. With fewer manual interventions, businesses can save on labor costs, eliminate delays, and cut down on operational inefficiencies.
Faster Deliveries With real-time tracking and optimized delivery routes, on-demand apps enable quicker deliveries. Customers can receive their orders faster, improving overall satisfaction.
Customer Convenience Customers appreciate the convenience of ordering products or services with just a few taps on their smartphones. On-demand delivery apps provide a seamless experience, where customers can browse, order, and track deliveries effortlessly.
Improved Transparency On-demand apps offer features like real-time tracking, order updates, and instant communication between customers and service providers. This transparency builds trust and keeps customers informed throughout the entire delivery process.
Scalability As businesses grow, on-demand delivery apps can be easily scaled to handle increased demand. With cloud-based systems and flexible delivery networks, businesses can expand without worrying about logistical challenges.
Optimizing Efficiency: How On-Demand Delivery Apps Improve Workflow  
On-demand delivery apps improve efficiency by automating key operational processes. From order management to delivery scheduling, these apps ensure that every step in the delivery process is handled swiftly and accurately. By offering features like route optimization, businesses can minimize delivery times, reduce fuel costs, and improve overall workflow.
Furthermore, these apps integrate with inventory and customer management systems, allowing businesses to track product availability, monitor sales, and manage customer relationships without the need for manual intervention. The entire operation becomes smoother and more coordinated, ensuring high-quality service delivery.
Streamlining Customer Experience with Seamless Delivery Solutions  
Customer experience is central to the success of any business. With on-demand delivery apps, businesses can offer a smooth and consistent delivery service. Features like easy order placement, real-time tracking, and responsive customer support improve the overall experience. Customers can feel confident that their orders will be delivered accurately and on time, leading to higher customer satisfaction and repeat business.
Furthermore, these apps allow businesses to collect valuable customer feedback, helping to continuously improve the service and address any issues promptly.
Why On-Demand Delivery Apps Are Essential for Competitive Edge in Today’s Market  
In today’s highly competitive market, businesses need to provide more than just quality products and services. Speed and convenience are key factors that influence customer decisions. On-demand delivery apps offer businesses the ability to meet these demands efficiently.
With on-demand delivery apps, companies can stay ahead of their competitors by offering faster delivery times, better customer service, and a more personalized experience. This is crucial as consumers increasingly expect quick and convenient solutions for their needs. Without these apps, businesses risk falling behind their competitors who offer more streamlined services.
Why Choose Malgo for On-Demand Delivery App Development?  
At Malgo, we specialize in creating on-demand delivery apps that are tailored to  the specific needs of your business. Whether you're in e-commerce, food delivery, or any other industry, we can build an app that helps you streamline your operations, enhance customer experience, and stay competitive in the market.
Our team of experts uses the latest technology to create user-friendly, secure, and scalable apps that align with your business goals. We ensure that your app is intuitive, integrates seamlessly with your existing systems, and delivers exceptional performance. With Malgo, you can focus on growing your business while we take care of the tech side.
Final Thoughts  
On-demand delivery apps are essential tools for businesses looking to streamline operations and improve efficiency. By automating key processes and enhancing customer experiences, these apps help companies stay competitive in today’s fast-paced market. Streamline your business operations using an on-demand delivery app. With the right development partner, like Malgo, businesses can create a solution that drives growth, reduces costs, and boosts customer satisfaction. If you're looking to take your business to the next level with an on-demand delivery app, Malgo is the partner you can trust to deliver high-quality, customized solutions.
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